Thermal Treatment: Radiofrequency and Laser Treatment
Treating varicose veins without using conventional “varicose stripping” - radiofrequency and laser operations make it possible.
These procedures no longer involve incisions and scarring which were previously common and necessary. In 2002 more than 90 % of the cases of varicose veins in the USA were treated using traditional surgery. By 2008 this ratio had flipped, and 15 years after the introduction of radiofrequency and laser technology, these thermal treatment methods are the methods of choice according to the national treatment guidelines in the USA and UK.
Dr Hirsch sets store in gentle radiofrequency treatment using a ClosureFastTM catheter and the ELVeS® radial laser method.
During these thermal operation procedures, a probe is inserted into the large or small saphenous veins (Vena saphena magna, Vena saphena parva) through a tiny incision on the upper or lower thigh. The veins are closed using radiofrequency or lasers.
Back to work in 1 to 2 days after the operation
In contrast to conventional operations, patients are only rarely unable to work after the procedure. Since the puncture technique requires no incision, complications are not expected to occur as the wound heals. Mobility is not restricted, the risk of thromboses goes down and the patient retains a good quality of life.
Usually patients can return home right after the operation and can start working again 1 to 2 days later since the operation only requires local anaesthesia. The operation is performed at our office. If inpatient monitoring is required after the procedure, the operation is conducted at the Saaleklinik in Halle (Saale), Steg 3.
The follow-up examination takes place in our offices the next day. Disruptive tortuous varicose vein side branches can be treated during the same session or after a treatment interval of 4 – 6 weeks using sclerotherapy.
Insurance coverage
Like many innovative forms of therapy, statutory health insurance companies are currently not obligated to cover radiofrequency ablation or laser treatment, however most of these companies do cover it as part of their integrated health care plans. Our practice has treatment contracts with most statutory health insurance companies. We check in advance whether your insurance covers the procedure. Private health insurances cover the cost of endovenous varicose vein treatment.