Diving medicine
Diving clubs as well as reputable national and international diving schools and centres require a check-up by a diving physician.
Are you interested? Find out more at taucherarzt-halle.de
Globalised tourism and safe, affordable and user-friendly equipment have meant that, in the past 30 years, diving has developed from a niche sport into something that can be experienced by everyone. However, it should be remembered that the sport is conducted in an absolutely hostile environment. The diver is exposed to low temperatures and very high pressures, and a compressed air cylinder is required to breathe.
Diving clubs recommend a health check-up before diving
In an effort to make diving safer, many international diving clubs and private organisations (VDST, CMAS, PADI, SSI etc.) offer courses where divers can obtain the necessary skills. Divers can acquire diving certificates corresponding to their experience and skills as proof of their abilities.
Have a health check-up before diving. More information can be obtained in our practice or at www.taucherarzt-halle.de