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Hirsch T.: Varicose vein therapy and nerve lesions.

Hirsch T, Vasa (2017),46(2),XXX-XXX.DOI 10.1024/0301-1526/a000588.

Treating varicose veins using endovenous thermal techniques – especially laser and radio frequency ablation – has emerged as an effective alternative to open surgery with stripping and high ligation. Even though these methods are very gentle and patient-friendly, they are nevertheless accompanied by risks and side effects. Compared to open surgical therapy, the risk of damage to peripheral and motor nerves is reduced; however, it still exists as a result of heat exposure and tumescent anaesthesia. Non-thermal methods that can be applied without tumescent anaesthesia have been introduced to the market. They pose a considerably lower risk of nerve lesions while proving to be much more effective. This paper investigates data on postoperative nerve damage and paraesthesia using internet research (PubMed). It analyses the current state of knowledge regarding non-thermal treatment methods and takes into account the latest developments in the use of cyanoacrylate to close insuffi cient saphenous veins.

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